Șeful Iosif în propriile sale cuvinte

  • Harry Morgan
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Geronimo. Cochise. Starea taurului. Nor roșu. Cal nebun. Șef Iosif. Dintre marii șefi și războinici nativi americani, care reprezentau vitejie, leadership, forță și îndemânare militară, șeful Iosif era cunoscut pentru inima sa.

La 5 octombrie 1877, discursul său, în timp ce se predea generalului Howard, l-a imortalizat în istoria americană pentru totdeauna: 

"M-am săturat să mă lupt. Șefii noștri sunt uciși. Uitarea sticlei este moartă. Toohoolhoolzote este mort. Bătrânii sunt morți. Tinerii sunt cei care spun, 'da' sau 'Nu.' Cel care i-a condus pe tinerii [Olikut] este mort. Este frig și nu avem pături. Copiii mici îngheață până la moarte. Oamenii mei, unii dintre ei, au fugit pe dealuri și nu au pături, nici mâncare. Nimeni nu știe unde se află & # x2014; poate înghețat până la moarte. Vreau să am timp să îmi caut copiii, și să văd câți dintre ei pot găsi. Poate îi voi găsi printre morți. Ascultă-mă, șefii mei! Sunt obosit. Inima mea este bolnavă și tristă. De unde stă soarele acum nu voi mai lupta pentru totdeauna ”.

Chief Joseph, circa 1880. (Foto: MPI / Getty Images)

Șeful Iosif nu a ajuns niciodată să se întoarcă în patrie, așa cum i s-a promis. Totuși, în ciuda faptului că tribul său a murit de boală și la mâinile omului alb, nu a renunțat niciodată să fie conștiința poporului său. Nu a renunțat niciodată la speranța că într-o bună zi, americanii autohtoni vor obține libertatea și egalitatea. 

În 1904, șeful Iosif a murit, potrivit medicului său, de o inimă frântă.

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    MichaelNance ([email protected])
    18.02.25 01:04
    Most flights don’t want you joining the Mile-High Club. This company encourages it <a href=https://kra27c.cc>kraken tor</a> In our travel news roundup this week: the rise in solo dining, where to save money at US ski resorts, plus the Californian hot-air balloon company offering a rather cheeky package. Your love keeps lifting me higher Is it getting hot in here, or is a gas-burner propelling a dirigible above our heads? A California-based hot-air balloon company is offering mile-high flights – with amorous Mile-High Club privileges – over the Temecula countryside. Guests can enjoy the views with a whole basket to themselves – and a privacy screen separating the pilot compartment from the passenger cabin. The pilot, who Magical Adventure Balloon Rides promises will be wearing protective hearing gear and focused solely on flying, ascends the balloon to 5,280 feet (about 1,610 meters), which is about 2,000 feet higher than a typical recreational flight. While intimate clinches are usually thoroughly discouraged in the skies, the company invites you to bring your own bedding and music playlist. A complimentary Champagne breakfast is included to fuel your frolics, of whatever sort. Pricing for two passengers starts at $1,400. If your mantra is “the more the merrier,” each additional adult in the larger 10-person basket is $159. The Mile-High Club flight is just one of a host of packages on offer, from wine tours to company picnics, the rest of which are considerably more family-friendly. All by myself Sometimes it can seem like the world is full of lovers floating high on cloud nine, but don’t fret if you’re going it alone this Valentine’s season: You’re bang on trend. Millennials and Gen Z are breaking down the stigma attached to solo dining in an era when more Americans live alone than ever before. Some do it for convenience; some do it for freedom — either way, reservations for one are on the rise. Once you’ve mastered dining alone, it’s time for bigger challenges, such as walking across Saudi Arabia. British explorer Alice Morrison, who has been called “Indiana Jones for girls,” is in the middle of her five-month trek of 2,500 kilometers (about 1,550 miles). Others are opting for a permanent adventure. Californian Jason Bennett gave up his life in San Francisco for a new home in Colombia. Today he says his happiness is “off the charts.”
    Bernardtaf ([email protected])
    18.02.25 00:07
    London CNN — Opposite a bed in central London, light filters through a stained-glass window depicting, in fragments of copper and blue, Jesus Christ. <a href=https://blackspfgh3bi6im374fgl54qliir6to37txpkkd6ucfiu7whfy2odid-onion.net>bsme .at</a> Three people have lived in the deserted cathedral in the past two years, with each occupant — an electrician, a sound engineer and a journalist — paying a monthly fee to live in the priest’s quarters. <a href=https://bsme.us>blacksprut</a> The cathedral is managed by Live-in Guardians, a company finding occupants for disused properties, including schools, libraries and pubs, across Britain. The residents — so-called property guardians — pay a fixed monthly “license fee,” which is usually much lower than the typical rent in the same area. <a href=https://bs-bot.net>сайт спрут</a> Applications to become guardians are going “through the roof,” with more people in their late thirties and forties signing on than in the past, said Arthur Duke, the founder and managing director of Live-in Guardians. <a href=https://blacksprutat.ru>blacksprut ссылка</a> “That’s been brought about by the cost-of-living crisis,” he said. “People are looking for cheaper ways to live.” блэкспрут https://blackspfgh3bi6im374fgl54qliir6to37txpkkd6ucfiu7whfy2odid.at
    Haroldliawn ([email protected])
    18.02.25 00:04
    Most flights don’t want you joining the Mile-High Club. This company encourages it <a href=https://kra27c.cc>kraken market</a> In our travel news roundup this week: the rise in solo dining, where to save money at US ski resorts, plus the Californian hot-air balloon company offering a rather cheeky package. Your love keeps lifting me higher Is it getting hot in here, or is a gas-burner propelling a dirigible above our heads? A California-based hot-air balloon company is offering mile-high flights – with amorous Mile-High Club privileges – over the Temecula countryside. Guests can enjoy the views with a whole basket to themselves – and a privacy screen separating the pilot compartment from the passenger cabin. The pilot, who Magical Adventure Balloon Rides promises will be wearing protective hearing gear and focused solely on flying, ascends the balloon to 5,280 feet (about 1,610 meters), which is about 2,000 feet higher than a typical recreational flight. While intimate clinches are usually thoroughly discouraged in the skies, the company invites you to bring your own bedding and music playlist. A complimentary Champagne breakfast is included to fuel your frolics, of whatever sort. Pricing for two passengers starts at $1,400. If your mantra is “the more the merrier,” each additional adult in the larger 10-person basket is $159. The Mile-High Club flight is just one of a host of packages on offer, from wine tours to company picnics, the rest of which are considerably more family-friendly. All by myself Sometimes it can seem like the world is full of lovers floating high on cloud nine, but don’t fret if you’re going it alone this Valentine’s season: You’re bang on trend. Millennials and Gen Z are breaking down the stigma attached to solo dining in an era when more Americans live alone than ever before. Some do it for convenience; some do it for freedom — either way, reservations for one are on the rise. Once you’ve mastered dining alone, it’s time for bigger challenges, such as walking across Saudi Arabia. British explorer Alice Morrison, who has been called “Indiana Jones for girls,” is in the middle of her five-month trek of 2,500 kilometers (about 1,550 miles). Others are opting for a permanent adventure. Californian Jason Bennett gave up his life in San Francisco for a new home in Colombia. Today he says his happiness is “off the charts.”
    MichaelNance ([email protected])
    18.02.25 00:03
    Most flights don’t want you joining the Mile-High Club. This company encourages it <a href=https://kra27c.cc>kra cc</a> In our travel news roundup this week: the rise in solo dining, where to save money at US ski resorts, plus the Californian hot-air balloon company offering a rather cheeky package. Your love keeps lifting me higher Is it getting hot in here, or is a gas-burner propelling a dirigible above our heads? A California-based hot-air balloon company is offering mile-high flights – with amorous Mile-High Club privileges – over the Temecula countryside. Guests can enjoy the views with a whole basket to themselves – and a privacy screen separating the pilot compartment from the passenger cabin. The pilot, who Magical Adventure Balloon Rides promises will be wearing protective hearing gear and focused solely on flying, ascends the balloon to 5,280 feet (about 1,610 meters), which is about 2,000 feet higher than a typical recreational flight. While intimate clinches are usually thoroughly discouraged in the skies, the company invites you to bring your own bedding and music playlist. A complimentary Champagne breakfast is included to fuel your frolics, of whatever sort. Pricing for two passengers starts at $1,400. If your mantra is “the more the merrier,” each additional adult in the larger 10-person basket is $159. The Mile-High Club flight is just one of a host of packages on offer, from wine tours to company picnics, the rest of which are considerably more family-friendly. All by myself Sometimes it can seem like the world is full of lovers floating high on cloud nine, but don’t fret if you’re going it alone this Valentine’s season: You’re bang on trend. Millennials and Gen Z are breaking down the stigma attached to solo dining in an era when more Americans live alone than ever before. Some do it for convenience; some do it for freedom — either way, reservations for one are on the rise. Once you’ve mastered dining alone, it’s time for bigger challenges, such as walking across Saudi Arabia. British explorer Alice Morrison, who has been called “Indiana Jones for girls,” is in the middle of her five-month trek of 2,500 kilometers (about 1,550 miles). Others are opting for a permanent adventure. Californian Jason Bennett gave up his life in San Francisco for a new home in Colombia. Today he says his happiness is “off the charts.”
    VftjhgdbntGag ([email protected])
    18.02.25 00:02
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