Șeful Iosif în propriile sale cuvinte

  • Harry Morgan
  • 2007
  • 6162
  • 36

Geronimo. Cochise. Starea taurului. Nor roșu. Cal nebun. Șef Iosif. Dintre marii șefi și războinici nativi americani, care reprezentau vitejie, leadership, forță și îndemânare militară, șeful Iosif era cunoscut pentru inima sa.

La 5 octombrie 1877, discursul său, în timp ce se predea generalului Howard, l-a imortalizat în istoria americană pentru totdeauna: 

"M-am săturat să mă lupt. Șefii noștri sunt uciși. Uitarea sticlei este moartă. Toohoolhoolzote este mort. Bătrânii sunt morți. Tinerii sunt cei care spun, 'da' sau 'Nu.' Cel care i-a condus pe tinerii [Olikut] este mort. Este frig și nu avem pături. Copiii mici îngheață până la moarte. Oamenii mei, unii dintre ei, au fugit pe dealuri și nu au pături, nici mâncare. Nimeni nu știe unde se află & # x2014; poate înghețat până la moarte. Vreau să am timp să îmi caut copiii, și să văd câți dintre ei pot găsi. Poate îi voi găsi printre morți. Ascultă-mă, șefii mei! Sunt obosit. Inima mea este bolnavă și tristă. De unde stă soarele acum nu voi mai lupta pentru totdeauna ”.

Chief Joseph, circa 1880. (Foto: MPI / Getty Images)

Șeful Iosif nu a ajuns niciodată să se întoarcă în patrie, așa cum i s-a promis. Totuși, în ciuda faptului că tribul său a murit de boală și la mâinile omului alb, nu a renunțat niciodată să fie conștiința poporului său. Nu a renunțat niciodată la speranța că într-o bună zi, americanii autohtoni vor obține libertatea și egalitatea. 

În 1904, șeful Iosif a murit, potrivit medicului său, de o inimă frântă.

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    18.11.24 09:42
    Why this small city is the ‘eyeglasses capital’ of Japan <a href=https://omgto3.com>omgomg</a> Japan is famed for its skilled artisans, masters who maintain a commitment to tradition while modernizing production techniques in line with the development of new materials and processes. Many places in the country have grown famous by focusing on specific crafts, from exquisite kimonos to perfectly designed knives. Among them is the small city of Sabae, in Fukui prefecture, about a 3.5-hour train ride from Tokyo. https://omgto3.com omg даркнет It’s widely known as Japan’s eyeglasses capital – and for good reason. Sabae produces over 90% of the frames manufactured in the country, according to the local government. Signs and objects shaped like eyeglasses can be found on city streets, and there’s even a museum and festival devoted to spectacles. The art of making spectacles Sabae, located on Japan’s main Honshu island near the city of Fukui, has been producing quality eyewear for more than a century. It all started in 1905, when a local government official invited skilled eyeglasses artisans to come to the city to teach their craft, an attempt to create new opportunities for local farmers. The move paid off. Today, Sabae has over 100 companies that collaborate to make pairs of glasses. Though these studios use cutting-edge machinery to produce new frames made of metal and acetate, most stages still require the skilled hands and trained eyes of Sabae’s master artisans. That includes Takeshi Yamae, a frame designer with Japanese brand Boston Club who has lived in the city for 17 years. He tells CNN one pair of glasses can involve more than 200 steps. “I first design it, sketch it, then put it into my computer,” he says. “From the time I start designing, to the time I have the perfect product, it takes more than a year.”
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    Explore the Innovative World of PancakeSwap Finance <a href=https://sites.google.com/view/pancakeswap-finance-app/home>Pancakeswap finance</a> PancakeSwap is a leading decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies, participate in yield farming, and more. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of features, PancakeSwap has become a popular choice for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Why Choose PancakeSwap? Here are several reasons why PancakeSwap stands out among other DeFi platforms: Cost Efficiency: Transaction fees on PancakeSwap are significantly lower compared to traditional centralized exchanges. Security: As a decentralized platform, PancakeSwap offers enhanced security by eliminating the need for intermediaries. Community-Driven: PancakeSwap is built on the Binance Smart Chain and actively involves its community in the platform’s development. Key Features of PancakeSwap PancakeSwap provides a plethora of features designed to enhance the trading and investing experience of its users. Here are some noteworthy functionalities: 1. Decentralized Exchange (DEX) PancakeSwap enables users to swap BEP-20 tokens without relying on a centralized exchange. This feature facilitates seamless trading without compromising on speed or security. 2. Yield Farming User can engage in yield farming to earn rewards. By providing liquidity to the exchange, participants can earn CAKE, PancakeSwap's native token, boosting their holdings. 3. Lottery The platform hosts a lottery where participants can buy tickets with CAKE for a chance to win substantial rewards. This adds an element of fun and potential profit-making opportunities. 4. NFTs PancakeSwap also delves into the realm of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), allowing users to purchase and exchange digital collectibles, adding versatility to their investment options.
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    How to Securely Log Into Debank: A Step-by-Step Guide Logging into your Debank account is the first step towards managing your DeFi portfolio. Ensuring that your login credentials remain secure is crucial for protecting your investments. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of logging into Debank safely and efficiently. [url=https://sites.google.com/view/debank-portfolio/home ]Debank airdrop[/url] Step 1: Visit the Official Debank Website Start by navigating to the official Debank website. Avoid using search engine results to prevent phishing attacks. The URL should be . Step 2: Click on the Login Button On the homepage, locate the Login button usually positioned at the top right corner of the page. Click on it to proceed to the login page. Step 3: Enter Your Credentials Input your registered email address and password. Ensure your password is strong, combining letters, numbers, and symbols to enhance security. Step 4: Two-Factor Authentication It's recommended to enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for an additional security layer. This can be done using an app like Google Authenticator. Enter the code generated by your 2FA app to continue. Step 5: Secure Your Account Regularly Update Your Password: Change your password every 3-6 months. Use a Password Manager: Helps store and recall complex passwords without difficulty. Monitor Account Activity: Regularly check for any unauthorized access or activity. Additional Tips for Staying Safe Online Be vigilant about where you input your credentials. Always ensure that you have a secure and reliable internet connection. Avoid accessing your Debank account on public Wi-Fi networks, which might be unsecured. By following these guidelines, you can enhance the security of your Debank login process and safeguard your investments effectively. Stay aware of the latest security practices and updates from Debank to keep your account secure.
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