Howard Hughes Biografie

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Howard Hughes a produs și regizat filme în anii '30. Avea un stil de viață playboy și o iubire a aviației. După un accident de avion din 1946, a devenit recluziv.


Howard Hughes, un aviator și regizor de film, s-a născut la 24 decembrie 1905, la Houston, Texas. Și-a moștenit familia's-a ocupat cu succes în uneltele de petrol și a început să investească în filme. A produs mai multe filme, inclusiv hitul Iad's Îngeri.


Howard Robard Hughes Jr., născut la 24 decembrie 1905, la Houston, este cunoscut în mare parte pentru că este unul dintre cei mai bogați bărbați și unul dintre cei mai renumiți reclusi, dar Hughes a avut multe realizări profesionale înainte de a se retrage din viața publică.. 

Film și zbor

Fiul unui producător de succes de instrumente de găurit, a moștenit afacerea familiei în 1923, la 18 ani. A folosit o parte din averea sa pentru a finanța filme, începând cu 1926. A produs mai multe filme, inclusiv în primul război mondial. Iad's Îngeri (1930), care a prezentat secvențe scumpe de lupte aeriene și o actriță pe atunci necunoscută pe nume Jean Harlow. Unele dintre alte filme semnificative ale sale au fost Scarface (1932) și Nelegiuitul (1941). În timpul zilelor sale la Hollywood, Hughes și-a dezvoltat o reputație de a fi un jucător, întâlnind astfel de actrițe precum Katharine Hepburn, Ava Gardner și Ginger Rogers.

Hughes a dezvoltat o pasiune pentru zbor și și-a fondat propria companie de aeronave la începutul anilor ’30. Pe lângă proiectarea și construirea avioanelor, și-a riscat propria viață de mai multe ori testând avioanele și stabilind recorduri mondiale de viteză a aerului la mijlocul până la sfârșitul anilor 1930. El este creditat cu numeroase inovații în domeniul aviației, cum ar fi primul echipament de aterizare retractabil, și este amintit și pentru H-4 Hercules, pe care presa l-a poreclit Grosii Spruce. Ani de zile, Hughes a muncit pe acest hidroavion masiv din lemn, care avea scopul de a transporta trupele și materialele peste Oceanul Atlantic în timpul celui de-al doilea război mondial. Completată în 1947, a fost zburată o singură dată și nu a intrat niciodată în producție, cu toate acestea, Hughes a menținut H-4 într-un hangar climatizat până la moartea sa în 1976. În prezent este găzduit în Evergreen Aviation Museum din McMinnville, Oregon.


După un teribil accident de avion din 1946, Hughes a început să se retragă din lume. A cumpărat o parte din RKO Pictures în 1948, dar nu a vizitat niciodată studioul. În anii 1960, el locuia la ultimul etaj al Desert Inn din Las Vegas, Nevada, și își conduce toate afacerile din suita sa de hotel. Puțini oameni l-au văzut vreodată, ceea ce a dus la multe speculații publice și zvonuri despre activitățile sale. S-a crezut că suferă de tulburare obsesiv-compulsivă și avea o problemă de droguri. Hughes a părăsit în cele din urmă Las Vegas și a început să trăiască în străinătate. În 1972 a fost anunțată o biografie autorizată pentru reclama renumită, dar s-a dovedit a fi o înșelătorie. Autorul, Clifford Irving, a fost ulterior închis pentru fraudă.

Moarte și moștenire

Hughes a murit la 5 aprilie 1976. După moartea sa, au apărut numeroase versiuni false ale voinței sale, ceea ce a dus la o luptă asupra averii sale. În 2004, Hughes' viața a revenit la lumina reflectoarelor cu lungmetrajul Aviatorul, care-și înfățișa zilele de început. Leonardo DiCaprio l-a jucat pe miliardar ca un tânăr plin de probleme. A fost nominalizat la un premiu Oscar pentru portretizarea lui Hughes.

Douglasmecup ([email protected])
26.11.24 08:26
Kayaker’s leg amputated in 20-hour ordeal trapped between rocks on Australia river [url=]купить варочный котел[/url] A kayaker’s leg was amputated during a dramatic, hours-long rescue operation to free him from between rocks on a river in Australia on Saturday, local police said. The man, a foreign tourist in his 60s, was airlifted to a hospital in Tasmania’s state capital Hobart where he was in a critical condition, police said, adding they were contacting his family. His 20-hour ordeal began at about 2:30pm on Friday when he became trapped while kayaking through rapids with a group on the Franklin River, police said in a statement. Authorities received an emergency alert from the man’s smartwatch and dispatched rescue units and paramedics, police said, adding that the area’s remoteness added complexity to the rescue effort. Set in the rugged landscape of the Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park in the island state, the powerful 129-kilometer- (80-mile-) long river is a popular spot for kayaking and rafting. Rescuers made several unsuccessful attempts to extract the man between Friday evening and Saturday morning. When his condition deteriorated after so many hours partially submerged in the water, a decision was made in consultation with the man to amputate his leg, police said. “This rescue was an extremely challenging and technical operation, and an incredible effort over many hours to save the man’s life,” said Tasmania Police Acting Assistant Commissioner Doug Oosterloo in the statement. “Every effort was made to extract the man before the difficult decision to amputate his leg.” Oosterloo also praised the emergency responders. “I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to this operation in the most difficult of circumstances,” he said.
26.11.24 08:26
Cleveland Browns edge past Pittsburgh Steelers in snowy Thursday Night Football showdown [url=]котел для кальянного табака[/url] The weather at Huntington Bank Field was the main talking point as the Cleveland Browns hosted division rivals Pittsburgh Steelers on Thursday Night Football. What started out as a wintery mix quickly turned to blizzard-like conditions in the second half as the Browns found a way past the Steelers 24-19 following a late touchdown from running back Nick Chubb. With the kickoff temperature at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the first half was a defensive tug-of-war between both teams. Steelers kicker Chris Boswell opened the scoring with a 48-yard field goal in the second quarter. But on the ensuing possession, the Browns offense orchestrated a 12-play, 80-yard drive, capped off by a two-yard rushing touchdown by Chubb. Cleveland added a field goal before halftime to go into the locker room with a 10-3 lead. Browns star defensive end Myles Garrett was a constant thorn in Pittsburgh’s side throughout the first half, with the 2023 Defensive Player of the Year going into the break with three sacks and a forced fumble. Just as both teams were settling in after halftime, the stadium turned into a winter wonderland as snow blanketed not only the field but fans, players and coaches alike.
JamesNoums ([email protected])
26.11.24 06:32
Kayaker’s leg amputated in 20-hour ordeal trapped between rocks on Australia river [url=]варочный котел для табака[/url] A kayaker’s leg was amputated during a dramatic, hours-long rescue operation to free him from between rocks on a river in Australia on Saturday, local police said. The man, a foreign tourist in his 60s, was airlifted to a hospital in Tasmania’s state capital Hobart where he was in a critical condition, police said, adding they were contacting his family. His 20-hour ordeal began at about 2:30pm on Friday when he became trapped while kayaking through rapids with a group on the Franklin River, police said in a statement. Authorities received an emergency alert from the man’s smartwatch and dispatched rescue units and paramedics, police said, adding that the area’s remoteness added complexity to the rescue effort. Set in the rugged landscape of the Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park in the island state, the powerful 129-kilometer- (80-mile-) long river is a popular spot for kayaking and rafting. Rescuers made several unsuccessful attempts to extract the man between Friday evening and Saturday morning. When his condition deteriorated after so many hours partially submerged in the water, a decision was made in consultation with the man to amputate his leg, police said. “This rescue was an extremely challenging and technical operation, and an incredible effort over many hours to save the man’s life,” said Tasmania Police Acting Assistant Commissioner Doug Oosterloo in the statement. “Every effort was made to extract the man before the difficult decision to amputate his leg.” Oosterloo also praised the emergency responders. “I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to this operation in the most difficult of circumstances,” he said.
Myronenviz ([email protected])
26.11.24 06:31
Cleveland Browns edge past Pittsburgh Steelers in snowy Thursday Night Football showdown <a href=>варочный котел 100 литров</a> The weather at Huntington Bank Field was the main talking point as the Cleveland Browns hosted division rivals Pittsburgh Steelers on Thursday Night Football. What started out as a wintery mix quickly turned to blizzard-like conditions in the second half as the Browns found a way past the Steelers 24-19 following a late touchdown from running back Nick Chubb. With the kickoff temperature at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the first half was a defensive tug-of-war between both teams. Steelers kicker Chris Boswell opened the scoring with a 48-yard field goal in the second quarter. But on the ensuing possession, the Browns offense orchestrated a 12-play, 80-yard drive, capped off by a two-yard rushing touchdown by Chubb. Cleveland added a field goal before halftime to go into the locker room with a 10-3 lead. Browns star defensive end Myles Garrett was a constant thorn in Pittsburgh’s side throughout the first half, with the 2023 Defensive Player of the Year going into the break with three sacks and a forced fumble. Just as both teams were settling in after halftime, the stadium turned into a winter wonderland as snow blanketed not only the field but fans, players and coaches alike.
Williambal ([email protected])
26.11.24 05:38
The Israeli cabinet will vote on a ceasefire deal in Lebanon on Tuesday, Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesperson told CNN, after a source familiar with the matter said the Israeli prime minister had approved the plan “in principle.” <a href=></a> Netanyahu signaled his potential approval for the emerging ceasefire with Hezbollah during a security consultation with Israeli officials Sunday night, the source said. <a href=>kra20 at</a> On Monday, his spokesperson told CNN the Israeli cabinet will vote on the proposed deal on Tuesday and said it is expected to pass. <a href=>kra17 cc</a> Israel still has reservations over some details of the agreement, which were expected to be transmitted to the Lebanese government on Monday, the source said. Those and other details are still being negotiated and multiple sources stressed that the agreement will not be final until all issues are resolved. Sources familiar with the negotiations said talks appear to be moving positively toward an agreement, but acknowledged that as Israel and Hezbollah continue to trade fire, one misstep could upend the talks. Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir called the deal a “big mistake” and said it would be “a historic missed opportunity to eradicate Hezbollah.” Ben Gvir has also long worked to thwart potential ceasefire deals between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. kra21 cc
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